


            公司: 泰安市實驗設備生產廠家
            聯系人: 陳經理
            手機: 13793823772
            地址: 山東泰安市岱岳經濟開發區泰肥一級路路南
            留言咨詢 更多信息












            Understand the basic overview of the hydraulic pump test bench:

            The hydraulic pump test-bed adopts a single channel oil pump regulator, which can drive signals at any time, and can be used to drive a variety of pumps, which is widely used. Secondly, there is a special solenoid valve inside the equipment to test the oil pumping capacity, and it has a protective function, which will not damage the equipment itself when in use, and the use effect is good. The hydraulic pump test bench also provides standard test steps. The fuel injection quantity and data should be strictly carried out according to the manufacturer's design. The working condition can be decided by the user, and the maintenance time is also more convenient. Therefore, the sales volume of the hydraulic pump test bench continues to rise.

            How to correctly adjust the hydraulic pump test bench:

            When using the hydraulic pump test bench, the staff needs to adjust the fuel system of the equipment to the required pressure, and then slowly rotate the screw until the fuel flows out. Before the equipment is operated, it is necessary to turn on the oil supply switch first, then watch the rotation of the axle of the dial, and pay attention to the fuel condition of the equipment. The fuel quantity can be changed with the operation of the steering gear test bench to ensure that the set pressure value will not be exceeded. If you want to know more about the manufacturer of hydraulic pump test bench or the sales of steering gear test bench, please pay attention to Tai'an Jingdong Experimental Equipment Co., Ltd.

            Working principle of steering gear test bench:

            When the steering gear test bench is running, the oil supply interval can be determined by the starting point of oil supply to ensure that the angle meets the requirements. If the staff needs to adjust, remember to adjust it in turn. When the fuel enters the oil cylinder, the equipment will automatically turn and stop after the work is completed, which is more intelligent.




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            • 液壓泵試驗臺價格

            泰安市精動實驗設備有限公司 咨詢熱線:13793823772 位于山東泰安泰山腳下,主導產品為噴油泵試驗臺高壓共軌試驗臺生產工藝及技術力量雄厚,目前生產的:液壓泵試驗臺電控試驗臺電噴試驗臺共軌油嘴試驗臺液壓油缸試驗臺工程車油泵馬達試驗臺泵車油泵馬達試驗臺12psb噴油泵試驗臺船用泵試驗臺CRS試驗臺校泵臺轉向機試驗臺等產品銷往全國各地,出口國外100多個國家和地區。產品實行三包,代辦運輸,提供技術咨詢。

            CopyRight ? 版權所有: 泰安市精動實驗設備有限公司 技術支持:佰搜網 0538-7177991 網站地圖 XML 備案號:魯ICP備13024678號-5

            本站關鍵字: 油泵試驗臺 高壓試驗臺 液壓試驗臺 高壓共軌試驗臺 噴油泵試驗臺 液壓缸試驗臺 機油泵試驗臺 CRS電噴試驗臺
